Saturday, October 24, 2015

Which is Worse?

What scenario would be worse:
Staying friends with an X-crush* or crushing on a friend?

*A person you wanted to be in a romantic relationship with at one point, but not anymore. You may still be attracted to them however.

Staying friends with an X-crush  Pros

That friend may get a sort of special treatment from you.
You can/will become especially close to them.
You are motivated to please them, even be like them. If they are good then that can be good for you.
They will always have a special place in your rank of friends.
You will likely know them on a higher level then general friends.

Staying friends with an X-crush Cons

If you are still attracted to them you may interpret actions incorrectly.
You are setting yourself up for continual sadness in not getting a desire fulfilled.
You may have tension in the friendship, maybe it's only felt in your head though.
If you get into a new relationship, your partner must accepted the friendship you have with the X-crush. Not everyone is so trusting.
You must guard yourself not to fall into dark thoughts about the person; you know it will never happen.

Crushing on a friend Pros

There is motivation to get to know them well.
You will want to stay on their good side.
Time with them is especially enjoyed.
When you compliment them, you mean it.
If you are ignorant to your full emotions concerning them, you enjoy the special closeness without the complications of a secret crush.

Crushing on a friend Cons

You will struggle with the secret unless you tell, or until it somehow melts away. Though even then it will still be an old secret.
You may get obsessed with them.
They will have unequal treatment from you compared to general friends.
They may have a certain control over you, like how your decision making is influenced.
You might make choices to please them rather than yourself.
You will always feel like there is something "missing" in the relationship.

Friday, October 23, 2015


No one deserves it.
No one should believe others can be trusted when they know better.
No one can get away from it.

Again and again I find people untrustworthy.
I believe them over and over again.
So many times I believe they are right,
Only to be let down and my answer correct.

Is it the trap I'll never escape?
Will I always fall for others' answers?
Can I learn confidence in my own judgment?

Maybe some people are trustworthy.
Perhaps there is hope yet.
But how does one distinguish when to trust,
And when to deny trust?

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Blessings, have a awesome day
Introvert = no party
Raise 'em up
That one day you rule the family
Health to you
Date of birth
Age always increasing
Yummy cake

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


What makes interest?
Can interest turn a person into another's shadow?
Will interest give a person tunnel vision?

Is interest caused on sight?
Or does it take time and effort to show?

Perhaps they are a kind shadow;
They cause no trouble. They are not tripping stones.
But still, a shadow nonetheless.

Are they a cruel shadow?
Do they move items around invisibly?
Will they silently manipulate to achieve favors?
But still, they too are a shadow nonetheless.

Or are they an invisible shadow?
Do they melt into the background?
Do they intend to make themselves known?

How long can the person keep interest,
Keeping interest without falling into tunnel vision?
Surely they will become so focused all else fades into blur.
They will loose sight of what is permanent.

Friday, October 16, 2015

To Hope or Not to Hope

I wait to see if you show up in my sleep.
I wait to see you at school.
I wait to see you with me.

Yes, when we are apart I miss your company.
Always I wonder how I can better help you.
I can't get you outa my head.

I am first your friend, always;
Second, I am waiting to grow into more.
You are driving, for it is you I want to please.

What if we grow into more?
Where will we travel to?
How far will we explore our world?

Right now we remain friends;
I seek to be your safety, your post.
Perhaps one day we will take care of each other…

A Tiger and a Raven brought together.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


I'm sorry.
Believe me.
I never wanted it this way.
Once we were close as ever, but now we are strangers.

I tried to get on without the past.
But every move you make adds a log to the fire.
So I'm going to ask you to stay away.

Maybe one day we can meet up again,
But right now, my friend,
Space is needed to mend.

The world will never know.
They won't see the rift.
Our lives will continue smooth,
But the mind will see the boulders and trenches.

I don't expect you to say anything;
I don't expect you to see this;
I don't expect you to change.