Friday, February 26, 2016


Letts put it this way shall we:
I got my butt handed to me more in AP English 3 than anything before.
Yup. Raw truth. I have a lot to learn.

I tried to take it with understanding.
I knew it was for my betterment. 
That didn't stop me from crying.

I am glad it happened though,
Not happy about it, but glad.

See the thing is,
Happiness is transient. Fleeting.
It comes and goes throughout the day.
But at sundown, you can still say you had a good day,
Perhaps because you learned something,
Perhaps because you released a tension,
Perhaps because you have the mindset to believe it.

Friday, February 19, 2016

This Ride

Hold on cuz these days are wild.
One day you'll see it was worth pushing.
Today I see you pulled under:

So I lunge to pull you up;
I pray for you:
that you find peace,
that you become stronger,
that you gain wisdom,
that you see the end. 

you're the big spoon,
 I'll be the smaller..
you can burry you fears, sadness, anything, into me..
I'll hold you safe..
We can be each other's safety posts.

I'd do most anything if it would help. 
Once a friend always a friend. 
No matter how much it is life pulls apart.
You have my word.

And if my words shatters, I regret my choices which led to such.
Tell me how to right the wrong.
I will do it.

Learn to trust me. 
I am unlike those before,
The ones who send "friends" through hell.
Time will show colors.

So hold on cuz this ride is wild.
One day you'll see it was worth pushing.
Today I made a difference for you.

<thank you God for giving me a chance to help>
<help me to show your love>
<show me how to use my tendencies well>

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Color Poem

Meet D. T.

Dark Truffle has layers: quiet – never making uproar, peaceful – resolving arguments among friends, private – reserves personal thoughts to their germane situation, and pensive – lost in the gears of the mind and forgetting to speak.
Dark Truffle appears gloomy, but given a chance the warm core can become palpable.
Dark Truffle under dissection reveals a sturdy brown heart under an elusive plum skin.
Dark Truffle is the element Earth – rich soil to grow flourishing gardens.
Dark Truffle's is the character Shrek, which by extension means Dark Truffle is like an onion.
Dark Truffle wears comfortable around-the-house clothes wherever they don’t look obscenely out of place, but when fancy calls Dark Truffle turns strikingly chic – pixie-short hair styled to enhance the eyes, a chocolate toned dress running the length of a slender body.
Dark Truffle slides across flat paths, rolls with hills, and glides over irregular bumps like they’re polished marble. 
Dark Truffle lives alone, but loneliness is avoided through visiting friends.
Dark Truffle sounds like grass rustling  as a choir of crickets chirp.
Dark Truffle cannot play music, so instead music of all types is listened to and appreciated.
Dark Truffle feels silky smooth and refreshingly cool.
Dark Truffle smells like a room out of Willy Wonka’s factory.
Dark Truffle zaps the taste buds with bitterness when eaten without patience but is sweetly satisfying if allowed to melt on the tongue piece by piece.
Dark Truffle is the ellipsis at the end of incomplete thoughts.
Dark Truffle’s texture is smooth like glass yet appears to have a liquid face.
Dark Truffle is the feeling you get after you and a friend fight and reconcile.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Danger of Judgment

When we met I thought poor;
You were nice, sweet, fun.
But you were immature.

I thought bad for this.
You ditched practice,
Fooled around instead of working on skills.
And once you hurt me.

So I learned to see you as a boy,
A fun yet immature boy,
Who was also a jackhole for messing with me.
(granted it was an accident)

But then I went fishing.
I learned a different side.
You broke off something to protect my friend.
You apologized to me.

I learned to see you new;
One conversation made the difference.
And I admitted I was wrong.
(sorry again for misjudging)

So let's go on as friends,
And make some fun and games.
And teach each other to be better.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

'round Again

Heart beating with celerity,
Smiles exchanged rapidly.
Already I feel it's come 'round again.

I heard of this one from friends of past,
Now I learn who this one is behind a name mask.
Already I feel it's come 'round again.

Saw this one at lunch the first time.
Stumbled into the same one 24 later.
Quick observations and conversation.
Already I feel it's come 'round again.

The first connection through someone shared,
Then hours of learning each other's ways.
Already I feel it's come 'round again.

The second connection by this one I know.
Perhaps friend is your title; perhaps that is how this one is meant to be.
But already I feel it's come 'round again.

You and me. Me and you. Ready to explore as it comes 'round again.