<I'm just never sure when's the "right" time for anything>
Hey I gotcha.
I'm supposed to be the experienced one right?
Well I got a tidbit for you too.
I have no problem being the one to move things.
Actually, it's good to know you won't because I don't have to watch for as many things
-alertness for nonverbal cues and intuition-
But all the same, I'm nervous too.
I second guess when to do what also.
I've not moved half the time because I second guess.
I wanna make it a good moment.
You've never done anything, nor have I really.
We'll tackle the nerves at the same time.
Oh which reminds me:
I have one thing on the radar I am paying attention to.
It crossed my mind recently and I've been keeping tabs on the case since then.
Nothing to fret over, just something I know is important to you,
So I mind it well.
Interested? Guess you'll have to ask to figure it out.