Saturday, August 24, 2019


Super power?
Social capital?
If you use it right.


When you melt into the back ground,
You notice the other figures. 
They do not notice you.

And you watch them interact.
They chatter easily together.
You can tell they belong here.

And you wonder...
How did this happen?
How is it you can play passive observer?


A pair of mouths.
They spew endless words.
They share thoughts.
Their thoughts mean little.

A pair of eyes.
They speak some.
They entertain small talk.
They are quiet.

A pair of brains.
They speak little.
They keep to themselves.
They check in but no more.

A pair of ears.
They seem checked out.
They soak in their surrounding. 
They’re connected to the other parts.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


What goes up
Must come down.

What gets wound
Must unwind.

What swings forward
Must swing back.

What awakes
Must sleep.

What flies
Must land.

And inertia continues the cycle.

Monday, August 5, 2019


Have you ever been on a stage?
The lights are deafening.
The audience’s roar is blinding.

Everything fogs over.
Calling it mist is too kind.
This is smog. 

A special smog.
I’ll do my best to explain.

Everyone has their own smog.
It is specific to an individual.
Its size...
Its texture...
Its shape...
Its weight...
Its strength...
Its pliability...
They are all unique.

It is common to see but ignore it.
It is possible to live with it.
But that is not sustainable.

This smog is not invisible to others.
It is not necessarily visible either.
But the presence has tangible weight.
Some are better than others 
At seeing people’s smog.

Call it a super power
A sixth sense.
And with power
Comes responsibility.

I hope that was good enough.

Saturday, August 3, 2019



Lighting flashes
But no thunder replies.
The night is infinite
But no stars sing,
And no moon whispers,
And no clouds stalk.

And suddenly momentum slows
To a sickening pace.
Wrapped in sap
Thicker than molasses.

Squeezed through a tube
But there is light on the emerging side.
Eyes open
And a glass hue alights.

A maze of prisms
Spiraling downward.
A colorful abyss
Hypnotizing the eye.

A landscape free of logic,
Free of reason,
Free of nature,
Free of interference.

But full of meaning,
Full of conscience,
Full of life.

