Monday, September 23, 2024

Promises I Can Keep

I wish I could promise everything.

But I can't.

 I know what I would promise,

But not if I could keep it.

If I could promise anything,

I'd promise to...

...never pick a fight.

...never make you feel abandoned.

...never let my own annoyances spill onto you.

...never make you feel neglected.

...never let you feel taken for granted.

But I'm not perfect,

And I am sure I will have bad moments.

So instead I will promise this:

That I will work good as I can- apologize when I'm wrong... show you that I appreciate you... remind you that I support you... make you feel secure... give you patience... love you...

-because that is what you deserve.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Hate Vomit

I understand now.

Understand how you felt that day.

That day you went home

Only to throw up.

When you're fed disgust,

But all you can do is swallow.

So you hold it inside,

Just so that your body can reject it later.