Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Leaving the Dead in the Past

<I am dragging a dead body behind me.>
<I want to cut it loose.>
<I don't know how.>

~ thought experiment ~

I admit, I don't know how to do that.
Let's start with logistics:

In order to cut the body loose,
You have to face death in that form.
You have to interact with the body.

The burden is on you.
This is your dilemma.
You have to be the one to face the body and free it.

You don't have to carry burden alone.
You have people who can and will help.
~whatever help means~
talking it out,
being a wall to listen,
interacting with the body with you,
~you have options~

Okay so now the hard part - facing the body

How do you want to face it?
through conversation?
through venting?
through counseling?
through music?
through writing?
through crying?
through aggression (at an inanimate thing)?
through simulation?

Who do you want/need?
someone specific?
someone in-person?
someone on-standby (electronically)?
a friend?
someone with more authority?
someone outside your usual social bubble?

is being able to face the body alone important?

What do you want out of this?
Think apart from cutting the body loose.
to go wherever you want to go?
to interact with the body safely?
to interact with the body safely and alone?
something else?
all of it?

Alright, that's a start.

Now some miscellaneous thoughts.

Time is an illusion.
There is no too fast.
There is no too slow.
There is only that which exists in the now.

Spectrums are fluid.
Let's assume this is a spectrum of comfort level:
You can enter at any point.
You can slide around.
And that's okay.

You are right.
There is not a pretty way to paint this.
It happened.
There are consequences.
This is hard.

You have people who believe in you.
You have people who need you.

I want you to know
you've started facing the body.
you're working through it.
you have control here.
some answers are found by following mystery.

Follow this link for Italian

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