Friday, July 19, 2019

Abstinence-Only Propaganda

Why would you do that
to yourself?

What if something goes wrong?
What if you get an infection?
What if it doesn't look how you wanted?
What if you regret it?
Have you thought about the consequences?

You'll lose the strength that
you worked so hard for.
You'll lose sensation that
you'll want, at certain times.

It's a major change.
They're neutral the way they are.
You didn't think like this before
you hung out with those people.


It feels like something I should have.
My alternative is guaranteed skeletal warping.
[oh and let's not forget the slow yet steadily increasing]
[sense of distress]

Life was not made to go right all the time.
Have you seen the shit I eat?
Have you seen the opportunity of infection
I contact EVERY DAY?

I've wanted this for over two, consecutive years.
I'd rather regret something I do,
than wonder what would have been.
It is easier to fake a presence than an absence.

It's a risk I'm willing to take.
There's no guarantee how results
will look on my body.
That's okay.

Of course I've thought about the consequences.
The good and the bad.
The rewards, yes, but the risks too.

I worked for my strength.
I can work to get it back.
I'm working for double reasons now:
Strength is an immediate result.
The shape will be the contour template.

You dare assume what I want and like?
There are VERY FEW circumstances where
I actively want that sensation utilized.
[few as in a total of one.]
The concerns you speak of don't usually occur.
I've already risked loss of sensation elsewhere important
[a place I actively want sensation 24/7]

No shit it's a major change.
Of course it's a major change.

No. They are not neutral.
Neutral does not exist.
[they exist or they don't]
[there is no in-between]
They exist.
[if they did not exist]
[people would not wish them hidden]

Hard to imagine what doesn't exist in your mind.
The reality is I denied my thoughts while
Hanging out with those people.

If I were the last human on earth,
And I could get this done with a finger snap,
Would I go through with it?


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