Friday, November 19, 2021


Forse non è possibile di conoscere qualcuno
all'inizio della relazione.


Forse apparenze siano essattamente che sembrano.

Sono felice che
Ci siamo incontratt*.

La notte perfetta
Con l’amic* perfett*.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Insieme in sangue

È difficile.

Lo so. 

Hai paura.

Lo so.

Ti sembra di essere da solo.

Lo so.

Vorrei prenderti

Nelle braccia.

Vorrei prender

Tutti i tuoi problemi.

Vorrei scampare

Tutte le paure.


Non ho il potere.

Non ho la chiave.

Non ho i denari.

Ho solo il mio tempo

E le mie parole.

E se le cose che io abbia

Non sono abbastanze?

Non sono sufficient*?



Saturday, October 9, 2021


It's that time again.

This chapter is coming to a close,

And the next is to be written.

So the question is: How?

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Flesh Baby

 You, hooman, 

Can they serve your needs?

Are you a good pair?

Can they really be yours?


When you choose them,

Will they join up?


When you're excited,

Will you let them join in?

When you’re down,

Will they know how to cheer you up?


When you need help,

Will you allow them to act?

You, hooman,

Do you trust them to love you back?


Oh four-limbed friend,


Do you dare let them take you in?

Do you dare give them your spirit?

Do you dare trust them with your soul?


When you badger them for attention,

Will they know when to give?

And when to distract?


When you roll in the dirt,

Will they clean you up?

Will they continue to nurture your play?


When they see your tail between your legs,

Will they know what that means?

Will they know what you need?


Oh four-limbed friend,

Do you dare trust Love?

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Monday, August 9, 2021


 It's okay to mess up.

I am more than one mistake.

Mistakes mean change,

And sometimes there's nothing to fix.

Sometimes, you just continue in a healthy way.

I accept the consequences,

But I also deserve forgiveness.

I can forgive myself.

I am more than one mistake.

I can take responsibility,

And also can forgive myself and move on.

I stole something,

And maybe that something will never regrow.

But I deserve forgiveness,

Because I am more than one mistake.

It's okay to forgive myself.

It's okay to give regrowth a chance.

Sunday, August 8, 2021


 Quando imparerò, si dice?

Non mai...

Perché sono una creatura di abitudine.

Le persone non cambiano mai.

Speriamo e

Preghiamo e


Questo facciamo in attesa del cambiamento.

E forse ci sarà un cambiamento.

Se le persone possono cambiare, 

Anche le loro abitudini possono sviluppare.


La personalità rimarrà la stessa.

Senza un miracolo non c'è una speranza.

Speriamo e

Preghiamo e

Aspettiamo per

Uno sviluppo.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Ok? Okay.

 It's okay to not be okay.

I fucked up.

Maybe it was a small fuck up;

Maybe the consequences are minimal;

Maybe the consequences are temporary;

I can't un-ring the bell.

I can reflect;

I can see the signs;

I can choose different response in the future.

I learned not to fuck up this way again,

But I might fuck up again, different.

I have to be okay with that possibility.

Maybe the consequences are temporary;

Maybe they are permanent.

I accept that possibility.

It's okay for something not to be okay.

Saturday, July 31, 2021


 The winds change in the blink of an eye.

From the ground there's no sense to their whims.

It's out of human control.

But if you zoom out,

You'll see it's all part of something bigger.

And it's not about just you in your spot.

And maybe you can't control it,

But you can harness it for energy,

And maybe it knocks you off your feet,

But you can surf its waves.

And maybe it fucks up your plans,

But you can be fluid.

The winds can change in a blink.

And it's okay to hate them for it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Candles in the Wind

 It is clear that you were candles in the wind.

You gave lights to those around you,

And you gave warmth to those closest to you.

You cared not who you provided for,

Only that you parted ways for the better.

But the wind came.

It came in unpredictable waves,

And it was beyond control.

You had shelter.

You had protection.

You had support.

But the wind came.

It snuffed out

your warmth,

your lights.

The wind came.

It did not conquer.

Your lights continue.

Your warmth goes on.

We pass them to each other,

And we remember the gifts you gave.

You were candles in the wind.

And the wind came,

but it did not conquer.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Eccomi, ma chi sei tu?

Un'amic* del passato


Magari avere qualcosa più interessante da dire,

Però non c'è.

Solo posso dire "ciao".

Perché ancora voglio parlare con te?

Perché sto quasi rintornando al percorso?

Quello dove ti seguo ovunque,

Quello dove mi fai felice,

Quello dove la mia non è la tua.

Perché non posso dimenticare

Come è stato quando eravamo unit*.

Perché sempre voglio riprenderlo.

Perché quest'unità è la cosa che non sperimenterò mai.

Non era, non è, e non sarà così in questa realtà.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Un lago per un bel riposare

 Ti ho conoscuito,

E per ciò, sono felice.

Quindi adesso riposi

E mi sento così triste.

Penso a tutta la gente

Che ti conosceva

E immagino che

Le lacrime che stanno cadendo

Diventeranno un lago.

E qua tu resti in pace dentro

L'amore della tua famiglia, tuoi amici,

E chiunque altro hai conosciuto.

Dalla tua famiglia di Trips,

Ti amiamo e ti ricorderemo

Perché il Trips non finisce mai davvero.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Una pausa

 Qualche volta una pausa è solo una pausa.

Grazie di avermi dimostrati come

la mia mente funziona.

A Lei ringrazio.

Ho notato che la pausa

è una cosa normale per me.

Parlo e parlo e sempre ci sono pause,

Però non è il mio intento.

Il mio cervello è così.


Parlo e faccio le pause tra le mie frasi.

Cioè, le parole non mi trovano

Subbito ma vanno all'aventura

all'interno dela mia mente...

E finalmente,

arrivano fuori la bocca mia.

E... dunque,

Va bene.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Sexual Orientation?

 Sexual orientation...

You know, that

Thing which describes what

sort of people you are attracted to.


What if we called it your

Sexual framework?


You know, the

lens through which

You perceive and make sense of

your surroundings.

(and everyone in said surroundings)

Would it make us more fluid

In our thinking?

Would it make us less married

To the labels as stagnant tools?

Would it make us more curious

For understanding all the frameworks?

Would it break the binary?

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

To Promise Everything. (To Deprive Anything.)

 Can you promise to deprive me?

Deprive me of a loveless relationship.

Can you promise to deprive me?

Deprive me of a monotonous existence.

Can you promise to deprive me?

Deprive me of a plotless journey.

Can you promise to deprive me?

Deprive me of a closeted love.

- e questo io chiedo a noi

e questo io chiedo a noi

Perché devo io? -

I promise to never let you go,

But to let

You go as

Far as you need.

I promise to never doubt you,

But to doubt only

The demons

In your head.

I promise to never lose hope,

But to hope

For you,

The best.

I promise to never leave,

But to leave

You your


The Pleasures of Life

 Food. Water. Shelter.

Love. Friendship. Sex.

Dreams. Hobbies. Knowledge.

Breaking norms. Forging paths. Creating adventures.

These are my pleasures in life.

These make me happy.

These make me a part of society.

This is how I splace myself.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Liberation Journalism


Keep me afloat.

Keep me going.

Churn my thoughts.


Keep me rowing.

Keep me on course.

Churn my thoughts into actions.



The reason 

I can swallow my pride in the face of opposing viewpoints.

The reason

power is not, but rather is responsibility.

The reason

I can, not survive, but live another day.