I am angry.
I feel used.
I played into a game and I don't feel good about that.
<Explain what you mean by "game".>
The setup of the tasks is a game.
The task is trivial, harmless.
We are given clear instructions this is voluntary.
We were told participation is by choice multiple times...
So it is a game.
Only a game.
<What is the purpose of this "game"?>
I think it is a tradition done to the newbies.
We experience it together.
We survive it together.
<It seems like you understand there is no harm intended.>
<Also, you are aware no harm is being committed.>
<So what is your problem with it?>
This "game" is bull shit.
It is fun in the moment,
But after the fact I feel used:
We are puppets of the clan,
Our confusion is their pleasure.
I feel angry:
My mind disagrees with my spirit.
~ Stay true to your values, not to yourself.~
My values tell me this is fucked up bull shit.
My spirit wants to beat the masterminds of this "game".
So I wonder:
Do I beat the game by playing and one-upping...
Do I beat the game by having the courage to abandon participation.
I tend to isolate myself from group junk like this,
And sometimes that leaves me alone.
But I also am not afraid to stay me,
Even if that means going against the grain.
<You have a like-mind to talk with.>
<Wait for the discussion between your minds.>
<But always remember, take care of yourself;>
<That includes your psyche.>
Note taken.
I will follow through with it.