Sunday, November 30, 2014

Time Heals All Wounds

Time is healer;

Time is eternal.

If time never stops, why should healing differ?

Does this mean healing never finishes?

<Time heals all wounds>

But does the healing have an ending?

<I do not know>

Tonight I Wan-tah Cry

I miss you. I can’t stop thinking about you.

Streams of sorrow in my veins

Turned to waterfalls in the pain.

Tears are no shameful act;

I want to shed some tonight, but they want to backtrack.

Yesterday we held each other; today I am lonesome.

Tomorrow I will see you, and I will wish I had not come.

Your memory is a blessing and a curse;

I only hope from here it can’t get worse.

How Far is Too Far

Jokes are fun;

They bring us joy;

We can learn how to connect by humor.

But what happens when the “joke” goes too far?

When a text prank crosses the line;

When internet users take one step too far;

When an honest laugh turns into damaged friendships;

How does one mend such tears in life?

Is it repairable?

If one takes paper and cuts into its surface,

They can tape it back, glue its edges;

The damage is still done.

Never forgotten;

Hopefully forgiven.

Running from Nothing to Nobody

They say to run away when you receive rejection;

Say it makes the pain go away;

But what if leaving is fighting fire with fire?

If you are rejected from a relationship, is friend still possible?

Can oneself manage their head enough to stay,

Or is it better to cut themselves away?

Is injury to a friend better if it protects oneself;

If it protects them from injury by said friend?

But no, how can paying damage with damage heal?

Will not both individuals suffer?

Is it not better for one to suffer on their own accord,

Suffer in their own thoughts;

Than for the friend to be dragged through knives as well?

Running, running, running; forever I am running;

Loving, loving, loving, but never ever knowing…

Basic First Post

Tears are normal.

Indifference is the opposite of love.

Hating is caring.

Love is treacherous, but the rewards are many.

Sorrow is engulfing.

Pain is inevitable.

Cures come from the injured.

Omnes aliquid Volomus.

We all want something.

Nihil aliquid est.

Nothing is something.

Cave “canem”.

Beware of the “dog”.

Protect what seems dispensable.

Human judgment is 99.99% inaccurate.

These are the beginnings of basic truths life brings.

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Posting for the first time... don't really know how to use this yet... experimenting with the system... seeing how it works. Here goes nothing I guess.