Monday, May 23, 2016


Not even a spark.
This one was vapor.
But still the pressure built, demanding attention.

A spark.
This one tried to catch.
A weak flame erupted.
A year of work to catch it,
Rewarded with the pittance of a few months to burn.

The distant light.
It beckoned, shown at the end of the tunnel.
But only an allusion. 
Sleep ripped it into the night.

The shadow of a spark.
Gone unnoticed until its gone.
Remnants tell a story,
But it is lost to the past.

The fickle spark.
It flies and spits,
But catch it will never.
Playing with it is tempting,
But a burn is ensured.

The coals.
They are warm and inviting.
No explosion.
No spit.
Only shelter.

The fuel.
The most versatile.
Light up a calm kindling,
Or strike up a wild flame.
Not reusable, but sustainable.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Valete et Bona Fortuna Amici

Maybe its been a while since we talked,
Maybe we totally lost contact.
Maybe we'll forever be in separate circles.

Oh well.
I remember you.
I miss everyone of you.
I will miss you being close by.

But congratulations!
You've crushed high school.
You're ready to enter the real world.

So go crush it.
Go learn what college is like.
Go have fun and grow.
Go make more memories, more friends.

And keep the high school times:
The good the bad and the ugly.
Remember what person you were then.
Keep some of that person,
And grow into a fuller one over the frame.

Spread Jesus's love.
Befriend the meek.
Make close those who need a friend.
And maybe, if the chance should arise,
See God change someone two inches in front of you.

Good bye and good luck Friends.

Saturday, May 14, 2016


As a younger kid I wanted to grow up.
As a teenager I still want to grow up.
But why does life have to get so complicated?
All I ever wanted was friends and some love.

I see what happens around me.
It's so real, so why does it feel like a game?
I have feelings; its not like I'm dead inside.
So why can I take the perspective of a game?

In elementary school friend problems were tattlers.
In high school friend problems are mistakes made.
So why does everything have to get so complicated?
All I want is to help those in need of someone dependable.

But sometimes screw ups happen.

I see what happens around me.
It's so real, so why does it feel like a game?
I have feelings; its not like I'm dead inside.
So why can I take the perspective of a game?

Yeah I gravitate to the "underdogs".
I think they should see themselves as awesome dogs.
It's never too late to change. Never too late to pick a new course.
And sometimes it's perfect as is.

I see what happens around me.
It's so real, so why does it feel like a game?
I have feelings; its not like I'm dead inside.
So why can I take the perspective of a game?

It's because sometimes feeling is too much.
Sometimes turning it into mere calculations clears my head.
Sometimes I need a different perspective for clarity.
And sometimes I just need to check out.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

JM 2.0

Once I hurt a friend without meaning to.
Now I find it happened once more.
Once the hurt went through a brother.
Now the pain went through friends.

But both times, I started it.

I thought we were playing and having fun.
I thought it would end okay.
I was wrong.

I am ashamed.
I am sorry.
I can't unring a bell;
I wish I could.

I hope one day you will forgive me
For accidentally starting a gang up.

I'm going to slip out of your life for now.
But remember, I don't abandon friends.
So should you ask, I will answer.

And I will not forget this happened.
The scar is made.
So I'll be more careful,
Knowing now what I should have known then.