Saturday, January 16, 2016

Apology :(

I hope you can let go of what I said last.
Anger. Frustration. Disappointment.
Sadness. Understanding.

Take your pick. It was all there.

We made up; is it past the point of apologies?
I am sorry I lost my temper
And wrote biting things about/to you.
I was wrong.

I pray you have the patience to try to understand why I snapped.
You should know, as soon as we cleared up the misinterpreted text, any anger there, vanished. Or rather turned inward on myself, because I had just written up something bitter. And then I felt hurt that I used time that way. While I typed my pain out, I noticed I couldn't be exactly mad at you. More accurately...
Frustrated with our circumstances. 
Wishing your parents didn't shoot down your attempts to be a friend.
Wishing I had brushed it off like I have previously.
You asked if I had been angry with you; I said yes – it wasn't that simple. I was wrong to say that too. So I ask you to forgive me, for getting angry, and also for hanging onto the whole matter like this.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Breaking Point

This is the last straw;
I'm tired of flaking,
Because I feel taken for granted,
Always that way when you stand me up.

After tonight it's up to you to hang out.
Apparently control is not in our hands;
No, just my hands.

I've been drowned by you too many times;
Actions speak louder than words right?
So now I let your words dissolve...
Into acid of disappointment.

Let's not be mistaken:
It is out of your control after all,
So perhaps it is unfair to pin the fault on you?

What's that? Oh sorry I was thinking,
Just trying to decide where you stand
In my mental rankings.
Based on feelings, you're in solid ice.

And you should know my feelings well.
Clearly you always meant more to me
Than I do you...
Not that you understand what that's like.

Does this happen to others?
Meaning are you a flake to everyone?
Or is it me only?