Thursday, November 26, 2015


Awesome food
No dessert limit
Know not how much food
Stomach filled to burst
Give thanks to host
Invite the family over
Vent about rest of family
I need a break from all the people
Nap after lunch
Give thanks

Saturday, November 14, 2015


You were a mess under that wheel well.
How did you even get there?
Guess I'll never know that part.

<I don't even know how.>
<But why would I remember that?>
<Remember that when I can remember you,>
<How you picked me out and took me home.>

You were a true friend.
Always there when I got home.

<It was the best part of my day.>

When I had a bad day,
You were ready to be comforter.
On a rainy day we would curl up together.
Just you and me.

<Some of my most memorable days.>

You were the best bed buddy on a stormy night.
Kept watch over our home;
You beat out any ol' guard dog.

<Wasn't gonna let no bad guy past my watch.>

Then I brought someone new into the circle;
Your seal of approval meant more than I expected.

<His feet were warm and smelled nice.>
<His touch was soft and gentle.>

Truly I am sorry how it ended.
If I could have done more I would have.
You know I would have.

<It's okay.>
<You did your best.>
<I am sure of it.>

<Guilt lies hold humans back.>
<Listen to transparent truth;>
<If not for yourself, for me.>
<Be happy>

Thank you.
Rest in peace. Cargo,
The best cat ever.

<And you, the Purr-fect Purr-son.>

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


I go to a stranger's house;
I feel at home without first setting foot.

I read with secret friends;
We talk as though we've known each other forever,
Though some I hardly know by name.

I speak my thoughts,
Some right,
Some wrong.
I ask questions;
I receive answers,
Some I concur,
Others I forget.

We also have a lesson:
We give it sense through talk.
It is okay for questions to go unanswered.

We are safe.
We are open.
We are family.
We are steadfast.


I walk into a place well known;
I know not what this place is.

I sit surrounded be those called siblings;
You are no family I recognize.

I sing songs which sometimes I know and love;
I cannot joyfully dance along,
Lost in the rhythm.

I listen to a teacher;
The lesson does not make sense,
Containing holes and contradictions.

I leave as a shadow;
Seen invisibly,
Spoken to mutely,
Heard silently.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


What is Patience?
We grow up hearing,

"Patience is key."
"Be patient."
"Good things come to those who wait."

But no one "teaches" us how to be patient.
It can't be demonstrated like building a sand castle;
It can't be observed as an individual action.

Yet children are scolded for lacking patience.
But still, they are not "taught" how to be patient.

So patience can't be shown... 
Does that make it intrinsic to individual?

Perhaps patience is not what children lack.
What if they instead lack an ability:
The ability to self-entertain while waiting.
Put idle energy to a different positive use.

So how does one self-entertain?
They may be content simply observing their surroundings.
Or perhaps it suits their fancy to have a puzzle on-hand.
Maybe they enjoy a power nap.
Or chatting with a friend.
Is there a task they could finish while waiting?
How do they occupy themselves in other free time?

Not complaining while waiting?
Self-occupying while waiting?

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


When is experience too much for one's own good?

Won't too widely varying experiences cause one to fall into the paradox of choice?
Won't too narrow an experience create a provincial mind?

So what is the happy medium?
Perhaps it is the first know a base of morals, then leave opinions to the wind.

Understanding increases with experience (more or less),
But what is understanding?

We nod and say we understand,
But then act on our own opinion anyways.

Is understanding proven with action?
Or is it possible to understand
Even if the consequence of action isn't internalized?

Is "understanding" a concept or a behavior?
You can "understand" advise but not take it...
And a child follows instructions as they understand them,
So that makes it an observable behavior?

Is it possible to conclude it can be both:
Intangible concept and perceivable behavior

Sunday, November 1, 2015


I want to see you as you are,
Without society's costume.
Please, show me a clear window.

Time will shorten the gap.
Icy barriers slowly melt.
Walls, yours and mine, will weather away.
But is there enough time to fill the empty space complete?

Surrender to the warmth and security.
Our essences will intertwine and grow together.
Let this spark catch; it can blossom into a warming fire.

I think of you often; I wonder if you do the same.

I wonder what you think of me.
Am I weird?
Am I crazy?
Am I kind?
Am I safe?

What kind of trustworthy?

Will you trust me with words alone?
Or will you show me?

I trust you.
Enough to tell.
Enough to show.

But my original statement stands:
You will show me first and I will give back.

A clear window.