Monday, July 27, 2020

A letter to my braces (and ortho)

Dear braces,

Thank you for straightening my teeth. You did your job well. I am sorry I cannot appreciate you more. As it turns out, it has been 5 years since we parted ways and I still cannot think about the time we spent together without thought spiraling into an anxious wreck. Unfortunately my fantasies of a theoretical reunion bring only thoughts of misery, destruction, and lethality. I admit, it is of no fault of your own, though I do not believe it was mine either. I contend that you were only doing your job and I was too young to object to our meeting and ensuing relationship. I wish you good bye forever and hope that other people's encounter with you is more positive.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Rights and Obligations

I know the intent is pure.
I know malice is never the motive.
I know the mindset does not even conceive negativity here.
I know the meaning between the lines is only affection and pride.

So how can I justify the weirdness,
The disconnect, the discomfort?
How can I explain something I can't control?

I accept the statement's meaning,
Yet cringe in its form.
What right do I have to even enforce this?

And yet,
If I didn't explain my side,
I would die.

The me that kept those ties would dissolve
In that acidic environment.