Monday, December 21, 2015


I have something... Information.
But sharing is rather tricky.
How to say and avoid confrontation?
Oh bother, this situation proves sticky.

Okay I'll try to spit it out.
I really am trying alright.
But I seem to be held back by doubt.
What if I wreck a friendship held tight?

If you read this, I hope you'll ask.
Once you know the past will seem clear.
Asking will help peel the long worn mask.
Of course, if not heard, no harm here.

So it is entirely your choice.
Ask and then the answer I shall voice.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Earth to Self

Give it up.
There's nothing for you here.
Move on.
Don't drain yourself.
Enjoy how it is... because it's good.

But forget? NO.
The present is not the future.
A closed door  a locked door.
Save it for another day.

Invest time somewhere better.
Leave the chaos to the wolves.
Walk. Away.

Mea Amica, Corva

You have much you could teach me.
I have much I could teach you.
Neither of us is ready.
Or do we hold back in fear?

You like me.
I like you.
Neither of us is in a good place for that.
Is it safe to say a good place will never be found?

You are a cradle I found safe;
I would return ev'ry night if possible.

You are the leaves;
Free with the wind,
But can be stopped by small things.

You are the running mountain water.
Cold at a glance,
Warm within.
Carving its own path.

But you are not the ringing bell.
Commanding. Bossy.
The icon of the church (building).

I too am not the Bell.

I can be the light at the end of the tunnel,
Or I can chose to be a hidden mine;
Tread carefully.

I am the lone wolf.
I never find a place perfect for me.
I howl at the stars; they are my friends.

But I am certainly not fire;
You are fire.
Fascinating and magnetic,
Yet requiring caution and
A steady hand to preserve the power.