Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Hollow Place

Sometimes I have to change places.
If it were entirely up to me, I would not change.
I cannot control all of the circumstance.

I travel with two others.
One is in a shared mindset. 
That one is even more bitter than I.
The other still yet tries to be optimistic.
That one is only coping.

It is plunging into the abyss.
It is putting on a mask.
It is learning to deal with life's irritants.

I feel hollow when traveling to the place.
My energy is leeched away.
Frustration is the heavy substance remaining.

My eyes become encrusted with a glaze finish.
My face becomes stone.
My mind jumps between iciness and boiling continuously.

Only keys can keep the hollow place from shattering and disintigrating.


Think of the mind as having infinite hallways. 
I've watched you walk circles around one in particular.
I've seen you inch your way down this untraveled path.

I have seen the progression as you've become more familiar with it;
I am honored I could be the one to introduce you to this place;
I am fascinated how I have the power to make you see it's not such a scary place.

I am in awe of how you have learned.
I love watching the change in behavior.
It is endearing and cute;
You've been opening up this passageway as time passes.

The path is a slow one to travel;
Patience is its own reward;
It is a beautiful thing to witness play out. 

Time is fleeting and for that I am sad.
I have so much enjoyed this time we've shared.
I intend to keep tabs and let the friendship remain.

And, in future should we meet, you are always welcome back into my domain.